30 July 2008

Hey everyone Chad and I went to the beach the other night to watch the sunset. The weather here has been unpredictable; with the cloud cover there was no sunset, but this was much better.

Check out what we saw instead. :) This is a Harbor Seal Pup chillin' on the beach.

Harbor Seals give birth "pupping" along the Strait of Juan de Fuca and the San Juan Islands during the months of June and July. Harbor Seals are the only "pinnapeds" that breed along the Pudget Sound.

This one is adorable, you can see him sucking on his toe. :) From the information I have found on the web, this pup is not very old. Most pups are born with there adult coat, but this one still has the white furry coat which means it was pre-mature.

Not to worry though, mom was close by. This is her out in the water, she was swimming back and forth about 50 yards out.