Happy Project Friday everyone!!!
I finally got my project that was supposed to Be posted last week done.
I’ve had this caBinet for 6 or 7 years (another trash shopping find) and have used it in my kitchen until the last couple of years, But could not throw it out. My excuse was that I might need to use it someday.
Well, today was that day.
I have now recycled aBout 90% of this caBinet.
This is also the caBinet I took the doors from to make my canvas for my mud room.
Over the last few years I have gradually Been Building my Bedroom set.
I designed my nightstands and have drawn them out more than a few times
to get them just right.
So a couple of weeks ago I was in the garage and was looking at this caBinet and it came to me. I graBBed my pencil and paper and sketched out my idea. Then I headed out to Home Depot.
What you will need:
A cutter, measurer, and Builder.
Oh yeah, and some wood, and tools n' stuff. :)
I used the top, Bottom and drawer from the caBinet, a piece of pressed wood, and a piece of thin, pretty, plywood. The legs I cut out of a few pieces of wood I had laying in the garage.

This is the first one. We cut out sides, Bottom, and Back, then put it all together.
Measured, cut out openings in front for drawer and shelf.
For this one we used the Bottom of the caBinet as the top.
Attached top and painted a coat of primer.
(should use the same color as your final coat, the white did not work for me)
I had to go Back and put a coat of Black paint on, then used flat Black spray paint for the finishing coat.
(I have to give credit to Aunt Pam for the idea to use spray paint on furniture.)
Spray paint is cheaper, goes on smooth, and leaves a clean finish.
We routed the edges of a piece of wood for the drawer front, and attached to drawer.
Five days later, the finished product. I put this one on his side of the Bed since he spent his entire weekend doing all the hard stuff so I would finally have my nightstands. I'm pretty sure it was just so I would leave him alone aBout Building them. :)
The headBoard we Built a few months ago.
The second one we used the top of the caBinet and it only took us aBout 6hrs to Build. 24hrs later and it was in our room.
The only thing I need now is my dresser, already have the design in my head, But since Chad has worked so hard on these and gave up his weekends I think I’ll give him a couple of weeks to recover.