26 April 2015

DIY Upcycled Wood Table

When we moved from Georgia here to Virginia, the movers crated up our fish tank. When I saw the completed crate I immediately knew I could do something with all that Pretty wood they used. :)
You see I am the type that looks for the most beat up piece of wood when we go to the hardware store. This drives my husband crazy, and the employees Always give me funny looks.
But, those pieces have the most to offer for me.

And that is why I was so excited about this crate. I wasn't sure What it would be, but I knew it had Great potential... I just had to wait for inspiration.

 It has been sitting in my craft room as storage since we got here. 
When I started working on our side porch... I was inspired.
And so it began... 

 Sorry, no pics of the process... My builder does not like being photographed :) 
BUT, he is Amazing when it comes to creating the randomness that I dream up. 
This is the design...


 And this is our creation...

 Added a few coats of paint on the legs, and white wash so all that Pretty wood shows thru.

 Added a few touches of coral and gold... And the side porch is finished.


 Will be adding seat cushions later, but in LOVE with the way it has all turned out.