A few of my favorite things...
Treasure Huntin'
Oh how I love to find those amazing pieces just waiting for me. You all know what I am talking about. When you walk in and something just speaks to you and you immediately see the beauty it can become with just a little love.
This first photo is barn wood. Oh My... This was a great day. We had gone back home to Kentucky for a visit and my Fabulous Brother-in-Law gave me a truck load of this. :) He is one of the few who understands my "illness". I have many plans for this, but these two pieces already have a home. HMMM... Where could they be?
I'll give you a hint... Master Bedroom

Love this... ALL these Incredible pieces of art lined up in my garage.
This is my Heaven... I am still amazed when I look at them. What a Gorgeous
sight. I would have to rate this as my greatest Treasure Huntin' find EVER!!!
This is definitely one of those things you should never pass on. I think I wound up bringing about 16 home with me.

Some were used for my baby sisters wedding, I am painting one for my bathroom, and some are going to be used outside.
This was a "in the right place at the right time" treasure. A small shop here in town was just switching owners. The old owner had left this piece behind and the new owner thought it was just a waste of space... So I took it home. The finished product is in my Front Porch.

Doors... another weakness. But you have to be very careful with these or you'll wind up with more than you can use :) Not that it is a bad thing. This was one of those things that just spoke to me as soon as I saw it. And I immediately new what it's purpose would be. What it looks like now!!!

I found this while I was redoing my downstairs bathroom. I love the white globes and am planning on painting the metal black to match the bathroom decor. The weird thing about this piece is that the box it was in actually had a picture of the fixture that is in the bathroom now. I took that as a sign that I should get this.
These are going to get a coat of white paint and be put out on my porch. I'm not a big fan of the glass pieces, but I love the look of the rest of them.
This lamp is one piece that needed nothing when I saw it. Well except a light cleaning. I love the rusty, beat up look that it has. I have however redone the shade, that shiny one was just not right for it.
I know this really does look like a pile of junk.... but when you see what I did with it you will change your mind.
Picture frames are my most resent obsession. I have no idea why, but for some reason I have to buy at least one every time I go Treasure Huntin'. I have redone a few of them for rooms in my house. I also have some on my Etsy shop. Thrown Together
At least I have a plan for them.
At least I have a plan for them.
I'm telling you it is an "illness". There is no cure, however I have decided that it is hereditary so if you are afflicted it is not your fault... You can blame it on your Momma... That's what I do.
Oh My... another great find. This was a great Treasure Huntin' Day! The oval frame, the mirror... and check out this foot board.
original plan for this was to chop it up for parts. Look at all those
gorgeous curves, but the plan has changed and it turned out to be
(Thanks to my Awesome husband.)
When we bought our house I immediately started talking about wood floors. I would love to replace all the tile with wood, but that all adds up to ALOT... And I am still trying to talk my husband into it. He doesn't understand why I would want to rip out good tile and replace it with wood. We have very different styles and design ideas. He is very supportive of my creativity and will allow me to do ALMOST any idea I come up with. But there are some things that he won't give in on easily. Mostly because he knows he will be the one trying to figure out how to make what is in my head actually work. But His main reason on the floors was cost.
Another thing you need to know about him is that as much as I love to Treasure Hunt... He hates it. After 20yrs together he still does not understand why I love all this "junk". On very rare occasions I can talk him into going with me.
This was one of those days, we were out and I asked if he would just stop by because I hadn't been to my Habitat for awhile. And look what was piled up by the door when we walked in. I got excited, he just saw somebody else's trash... Until I asked "how much". I think this was the only time I ever saw him the least bit interested in junk. When the lady told me $20, he said "load it up".

And here is some of it in our guest bath. I know it isn't a very good pic, but you can see the rest when I get the Guest Room finished.
This was another one of those days where it was ALL too good to pass on... Because it's pretty. This is the best way I have found to describe why to my husband. Like I said he doesn't see what it could look like, he just sees what it does look like.
Got this chair for $2 bucks, love the look and it is going to be gorgeous when it is redone. Just not sure yet what I want to do with it.
Another fabulous chair. This one was sitting out by the back door at one of my favorite places and I was sure they either wouldn't let me buy it yet or that it would be some ridiculous price, but you never know til you ask... So I did.
Here is the whole picture. All these great treasures just waiting for a little TLC...
Can't wait to see how they all turn out :)
I had been looking for one of these for some time. My Aunt Pam had posted one a few years ago that was in her bathroom and I could not find one anywhere. The color was not something I could work with, but it had lots of potential. You can view this one under Downstairs Bathroom.
I fell in love with the look of these pieces. This was one where I saw what they should be when I picked them up. Check them out in my Master Bedroom... Along with this beautiful polka dot fabric.
These are just a few of my Fabulous Treasures. I am working on many more of these posts and hope that it inspires you to find the beauty in "junk".