This is the Master Bedroom, the one room in every house we have ever lived in that I can never get completely finished. There is always some other room that really needs to be done instead and we are the only ones that ever see this one. Well not this time. I will finish both these rooms. I hope :)

The bathroom is going to be the hardest room in the house to do. I have HUGE plans for this one.
Hopefully I can get this gutted and redone just the way I want it.
This big, ugly, useless tub is going to be the first thing to go. It takes up half the bathroom and is just a waste of space.
The plan is to replace it with a claw foot tub.
The vanity will be going too and replaced with a beautiful antique dresser. Right now these are all just plans in my head, because I have had to switch gears and work on the Guest Room for our company that is coming to visit.

However I have got ALOT of the bedroom done.
The inspiration... Our bedroom has always been done in dark colors. Brown, blue, black, red... Then I found this at my Momma's house, and it has BIRDS!!! I also found a few other things at Dirt Cheap while visiting in MS. So this is how my Master began.
This dresser was a Treasure Huntin' find before we even started looking at houses. I had actually been looking for a dresser for years, but never could find one that spoke to me. We had been using a chest of drawers that I found about 9 years ago while trash huntin' (this is different from Treasure Huntin') and a 4 drawer that my Granny Bessie gave me.
After some sanding, a little TLC, and spray paint... This was when our room was red, cream, and black.
We have this... One of my favorite pieces. I have ALOT of favorites.
This is what it looks like now in our new home. Since all our other furniture in the room is black I decided to leave it that way and work with it.

These are the night stands which were our first build. You can see the full post on the build process in here...
I picked these up at Goodwill. I kinda had a vision in my head, but not everything that works in my head actually works in real life.
But they turned out great :)

Two huge drum shade... Treasures :) Also found the fabric while Treasure Huntin'. I could not believe that I found this adorable polka dot fabric that matches the bed sham perfectly.
This wall is still a work in progress. I am collecting some different shaped frames to add here and I want to paint a quote somewhere. Just gotta find the right one.

I'm sure you have all spent alot of time looking for that perfect decorative curtain rod... They are expensive. I went to pick up the metal rods cause I already knew they would be the cheap easy way and I could paint them any color I wanted. Then when I saw the price on just one fo the little metal hooks to hang them on the wall I bought fell over... $8 for a little ugly piece of metal. So I came up with these.
They do take a little more time than the others, but they are prettier and can be used for alot of different things. These can also be found in my Thrown Together shop in different styles and colors.
Here is that wonderful barn wood again :)
And here is what I did with it.
A few coats of ebony stain applied lightly.
And my headboard is complete...

Or so I thought, but my husband likes to sleep with his hand under his pillow so I had to make an adjustment.
I still have to fix the ties on it, because I changed my design halfway thru making it. I will get to that when I make the bedskirt. :) This room will eventually be a completed project, but for now there are other things to finish as always.
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